Go, MeMe Roth, Go..! I Support Your Efforts..!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Pls Help. Do You Have Advice for Me..?

I received an alarming email from family this weekend...

It was one of those shared photo album links... And as I clicked through the pictures, I became both mortified and sad...

My cousin, who'd always been **skinny as a kid, was now beyond emaciated--skin and bones. So too was her husband, who when they first married was a little underweight, but nothing like now. He was a whisper of his former self. And they're really still so young. Maybe early- or mid-thirties..?

And my other cousin was even skinnier than before, but thankfully not quite as bad off as his sister. Unfortunately his wife seemed to be in a steady decent into becoming stick-thin. And yet I know her to be conscientious about healthy food choices and a promoter of organic and natural ingredients...

I worried for the kids in the pictures. Children always pick up so much from their parents' modeling, especially when it comes to eating and exercise habits. There were little clues in the snapshots that hinted at a grim future.

All-in-all, my far-away but beloved family is becoming unrecognizable to me--stolen away by a dangerous eating disorder. And what's more disconcerting is that the evidence of their self-destruction is in plain sight. There they are all in a smiling group--Is it a family-wide state of denial..? That photo album email went out to everyone on all sides of the family. I have a distinct feeling that if I utter one word about it, I'll be permanently uninvited to every family gathering forevermore...

If the pictures showed other forms of bodily abuse, I might be able to intervene... And it's quite possible they're seeking professional counseling about which I'm unaware... Can I ask?

I don't know what to do. What can I do..? What should I do? What have you done when this has happened in your extended families..?

**(Does it make a difference that my family I describe is suffering not from an extreme withholding of food, but in actuality, an extreme excess of improper eating? Due to today's pro-fat-acceptance political correctness, I'm not allowed to express any of the worries above if the subject is overweight instead of underweight. But the feeling of alarm, fear and sadness is the same, as is the complete loss for what to do...)

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