The Pro-Fat-Acceptance Movement goes too far... They say Fat Kids = Healthy Kids... Watch exactly what this Pro-Fat Leader says today on MSNBC...
Tune in to Fox Business Network and Stuart Varney's Show at 10:15ish A.M... Wednesday, February 10, 2010. I'll join the always-angry-at-me Stuart Varney to chat up Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Child Obesity Campaign...
hey!! i just wanted to tell you that i think that what you are doing is very cool..i have noticed that many people have a problem with you (or what you say/do).. i have to say that even though i get that being fat and eating unhealthy foods is bad for us, the aproach that has worked best for me is not that i will be fat if i eat certain things, but to learn that those things (for me is all animal products) are just gross. i read about puss in milk.. poop in chicken.. mercury in fish.. and for me that eat.. i will never feed myself or my family with puss, antibiotics, poop.. it doesnt matter if its just a little bit..im sorry but even a little tiny bit of puss is gross...
keep up the good work (and btw you are hot)
I just saw her on CNBC today March 23, 2010 against this guy, Jeff Styer, from the American Council on Science and Health. She ate him for lunch (it was around lunchtime) and spit him out. I like her spunk and I'd want her to root for my kid at a softball game if I had a kid. She is just wanting to get us more informed about our food choices. She is so pretty that's it's hard to remember there is venom in that tongue. My Yahoo personals site is
if she'd like a date with me. She's one tough cookie. I like her!
- Bob
Meme you rock and are hot as hell! The fatties are jealous cause ur right!
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