Gymnastics class was halted last night so the girls could eat cookies.
Some child's birthday is coming up, but she won't be at the gym that night... What?? WHAT?? Nobody asked the parents. Nobody thought singing "Happy Birthday" was good enough. Nobody refunded me my blasted cash for the cookie party hiatus.
And unbeknownst to me, my little 10 yr old daughter said, "no thank you" to the chocolate chip cookies she loves more than anyone else in the gym. So she just watched the other girls eat cookies. Why? Why is a kid put in this position? Sure, I'm proud of her. And also I feel awful for my good little girl...
And yeah, I get it. The coaches are nice. The parent who brought in the cookies is nice. Everybody's nice. But pushing other people's kids to eat junk food during gym class on a Tuesday night isn't nice.