Look, you go into adulthood at a healthy weight and then you maintain that healthy weight. Period.
This little Wedding Gown Challenge isn't about the gown or marriage even. Feel free to find your own symbol or item that fits throughout adulthood. For me, it's been my Wedding Gown year after year.
I'd never use my marriage or my children or this obesogenic American junk food culture as an excuse to forfeit my health. I eat within my means, exercise daily, and exercise enough that I even have room for plenty of tasty indulgences..! Each of us has to figure out our own rhythm, nourishment needs of our body and exact food choices, but we also must take responsibility for our weight and our health.
And please don't email me about exceptions. If you have Prader-Willi or Pica or are on Prednisone, I'm not talking about you... And certainly not if you're suffering from Cushing's Syndrome either. And for those struggling below the poverty line, there are special circumstances at play and special programs necessary.
I'm talking to the 85+% of us who have what it takes to eat right and exercise daily.
Happy Wedding Gown Challenge..! I took fun professional photos in my gown, but my favorite is this snapshot just afterward in the elevator with my precious daughter...
Great article from Abby Ellin of the New York Times re: post-nuptial weight gain...
Great study reinforcing the fact that maintaining healthy weight (no more than 9lb weight gain for women after age 18) gives you much better odds of healthy aging...
And of course, you're beautiful as always.
and you look stunning!
My wedding is next year and I'll be walking down the aisle in a lovely svelte gown ... one that I hope fits many, many years after the fact, lol! You rock!
Very cute!!!!
You look awesome! After using my poor kids as an excuse to balloon from a size 2/4 to a size 18, I finally dropped 70 lbs and can fit into my size 3 wedding dress (in fact, it's a little loose on me! Yeah baby!)I'm in better shape now (at 37) than when I was at 18.
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