I'm fat. Not medically fat. Fat for me. Dbl-bouncing, jiggling, pulling-on-me-with-every-step-during-my-daily-run fat.
I'm older, have major fat genes, have had two pregnancies, crave sweets, been a little blue, and most days have to talk myself into my workout. So what?? So what if all of the above is true. Desire doesn't cause pregnancy. Anger doesn't leave a bruise. And NONE of the above is why I'm fat.
I'm fat b/c of the way I've been eating lately. That's an
action for which I'm solely responsible. Being a healthy weight--an optimal weight--is 100% up to me. The rest is nonsense victim-speak.
Have you seen the one lately? How
obesity might be related to your inner-ear..? Riiiiight. It's an orifice alright, but not your ear..!
So yeah, I'm pushing maximum density right now and have no one and nothing to blame but myself.
I'm outta here. Gonna go catch a run...