Go, MeMe Roth, Go..! I Support Your Efforts..!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Hating Obesity is the Start...

I hate Obesity.

Obesity is not the Person--it's the cancer, diabetes, chronic disease eating away at the person you love the most--maybe even yourself.

Obesity robs people of all that they are and can be. It steals their dreams, their bodies, their manhood, their womanhood and their will to achieve their full potential. Obesity simply makes all aspects of life harder--so much harder.

Eventually, Obesity makes even getting out of bed too demanding. Staring out a single window year-after-year at the same hummingbird feeder--That is the view from Obesity.

Imagine shitting yourself in bed rather than making the full effort to get 5 feet to the bathroom.

That's Obesity.

I've seen it up close for decades.

Yes, I hate Obesity. Hating Obesity gives me some of the strength to maintain my own health and weight, and that of my children.

If we're to do anything about reversing America's Obesity Crisis, it has to start with hating the heinous monster Obesity really is.


Thoughts In Grace said...

I also hate obesity, it has robbed me of so much of my life. I can do something about it and I am!!!

I have to ask MeMe, has obesity hit you personally? I know you have seen it in people and what it can do to them, but I am talking about your immediate family, etc.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention obese peoples folds of flesh being hard to clean so they get yeast infections in the folds and smell bad.